Personalized Tutoring
The subjects we tutor (many many many subjects)
Our tutors have helped students with classes ranging from Spanish I to AP Stats. Whether our students are in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college, we take care not only to help them understand the material they’re learning, but to do it themselves without the aid of a tutor. If your student is struggling in a class or could use some extra support, please let us know and we’ll match them with someone who can not only help them succeed in class, but who will boost their confidence across the board.
Executive Functioning Help
Helping students get organized
Given the high workload of school and their complex calendars, many of our students benefit from executive functioning assistance. We help students break down large assignments into manageable tasks, keep a study schedule that fits their needs, and get on top of projects as soon as they are assigned. Through executive functioning support, we have helped students who were failing multiple classes not only pass them, but get their grades up to As and Bs.
Executive functioning is vital both inside and outside the classroom. If you’ve had trouble getting your student to turn in their work on time, give us a call so that we can work with them to develop habits that will serve them throughout their school career.
Learning disability support
A team effort in supporting our students
We help many students with IEPs and 504 plans succeed in the classroom by working with parents, teachers, counselors, and medical professionals to ensure that they have the tools they need to perform at their best. Our tutors often help students with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and other diagnosed learning disabilities not only master their class material, but use their strengths to build confidence in their unique work and learning style.
What to expect from coaching & tutoring
Our recipe to see student growth
Kingfisher Prep tutoring and coaching sessions usually last one hour. We make sure to assign homework that will support each student in meeting their academic goals, and stay in communication with parents to make sure that the student is seeing growth in their study area. We care a great deal about our students and the families we work with and are always upfront and honest with parents about how their child is performing in sessions.
Our tutors and coaches want to connect with your student not only over the course material, but over their lived experiences and unique way of seeing the world. Our goal is to use our sessions not only to help your student achieve academic excellence, but to pass on values of patience, kindness, accountability, and respect to the next generation. We want to be the best tutor or coach your child has ever had!